
Thursday, January 27, 2005

What a day. 

So this is a recap of my day:

Woke up around 6:30 as usual

Showered and dressed for work. Yayyy, casual dress all week cause of the snow!!!

Had my coffee and started my car to let it warm up.
7:10 headed out to the car, had to shovel a little.

7:20ish Got to the funeral home parking lot where I leave my car. I notice a good amount of snow/slush at the mouth of the drive. (put there by the plow who cleared the street) I got a little stuck, I manage to get it unstuck on my own with a little maneuvering. I have a little car but it is front wheel drive so that helps. When I finally get into the lot I see that the lot has not been plowed. I decide that I should go use the T lot. That way when they need to clear this lot my car will not get in the way or be plowed in. I tried to go out a different entrance then the one I got stuck at coming in. Bad idea. I got really stuck trying to get out. All the snow got jammed under the body of the car lifting it off the ground just enough so my front wheel drive was of no use. I have a shovel in my trunk for just such a situation but I was stuck good. I tried for a while but no luck so I called my Mom and she sent two guys that work at the funeral home down to help me out. I was not idle while I waited I was digging and trying to get that fucker out.

I would have to say that a least 20 people walked by me and my stuck car. Do you think one of those people stopped to even ask if they could give me a hand? Negative not one fucking person so much as looked at me in a way that might indicate they could possibly be thinking of helping me. Not one

When Jack and Scott arrived with shovels and a helping attitudes it didn't take long to get the car out. A little digging and a little pushing no problem. I offered them money for breakfast/coffee. This was refused I said thanks again and off they went. I called my mom back to let her know I was all set and to tell her to buy those guys lunch or something and I would give her the money later.

7:50 Arrive at NQ T station and head for work. Trains were screwed up....again for the fourth day in a row. I hoped on a train going away from Boston to keep warm. I went back two stops and got off to go towards Boston. This way I was sure to at least get on. The train ride was slooooooooowwwwwww!

9:10 arrived at work. A 40 minute commute on a normal day took 2 hours. I had a 1 hour 20 minute buffer and I was still late for work.

5:00 Time to go home. The commute home was almost as bad as going in. There was switching problems at Park Street. So there was tons of people waiting. Train after train was just full so I waited and waited. (I would really rather wait then get on a packed train). Now they ride home was even slower than this morning. Finally got to NQ station and my car.

Heading home. I was on a side street and I noticed a car stuck in the snow. Hard not to notice it was blocking the street. I could've taken a right and left them to get there own car out. I thought about that morning and all the people that walked by me with no offer of help. I got out and gave them a hand. A taxi driver coming down the other end of the street also stopped to help. It took a little bit but we got them out with no real problem.

Home by 6:50.

Peace out.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Here is a list of people I would like to just walk up and fucking punch them right in the face.

In no particular order.

David Spade: have you seen the Capital One commercials?
Carrot Top: obviously off the charts annoying
Bob (from Bob's Home Furniture) and his girl friend.
Geoff Charles: Afternoon DJ on WHJY
Paris Hilton
Simon Cowell: I usually find him funny but come on he is just begging for it!!!
Ben Affleck
All the children in the "Nanny 911" comercials
The guy that runs the door at Nasties
Gerorge Lucas
My boss
The "can you here me now?" guy
Anyone dating Nicole Kidman because someday she will be mine.
The plow operator who buried my driveway yet again.
NY Yankees, all of them but especially Jeter, Posada and A-Rod, they get two shots.

I am sure there are more I just can't think of them right now

Punch out.

Monday, January 24, 2005

May the Zen be with me 

I just got a phone call from Hanna at Creative labs. It turns out that there was nothing wrong with the MP3 player itself. The problem was with the battery. This is what I expected. I mean the thing worked when it was plugged in, just wouldn't work from the battery. I sent it in a week or so ago (they received it on the 12th) and was just waiting to here from them. It is going to cost me $60 to have it fixed, $40 administration fee because my 90 day limited warranty had expired and $20 for the battery itself. I guess that is a small enough price to pay, especially considering how much I paid for the player.

I gave Hanna my credit card info over the phone, I could have just sent an e-mail but that seemed too sketchy for me. Anyone could intercept a plain old e-mail with my credit card info on it. I wasn't too comfortable with that one. You would figure that they would have some way to do that from their website with security encryption and all that (just like when I bought the player).

hopefully I'll have my player by the end of the week (early next week?). The only thing that is a real pain in the ass is that I lost all my songs. Everything gets erased when they test the player to figure out what the problem is. I'll have to start all over again.

Peace out.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Not One Damn Dime 

This was posted on Stephen King's official web site.

A Special Message from Stephen
In addition to being Inauguration Day, January 20th is Not One Damn Dime Day. This is a chance for those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq to speak up with a 24-hour national boycott in all forms of consumer spending. Even if you are one of those who approve of our actions in Iraq, where the American death toll continues to rise to the number of Americans lost in the World Trade Center disaster, Not One Damn Dime Day is your chance to protest the bloated cost of President Bush’s Inauguration ceremonies, which are now estimated in the $40 million range. I think even fiscal conservatives and die-hard Republicans would agree, this is a shameful amount of money to spend on a party when children are dying in Indonesia. I don’t intend to spend a damn cent on January 20th, let alone a damn dime. I urge you to do the same and I urge you to pass this message along to everyone on your email list.
Stephen King

There was also a link to Not One Damn Dime Day

Peace out.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

All Growsed Up 

I was flipping through an issue of Rolling Stone ( I got a free subscription with some tickets I bought) tonight. I come across a picture of Emma Bunton better known as Baby Spice (you already new that didn't ya Jason?). Anyway all I have to say is........ GOD DAMN!!! Baby Spice is all growsed up! Judge for yourself at her official site. Baby Spice

Monday, January 17, 2005

I have been feeling a little lost lately. I have been down in the dumps with all the shit going on at work. I look back and it blows my mind that was more than a month ago. Right now I have no solid direction. I am in a state of Limbo. I hate going to work everyday. Hate it. I look at the job postings and see nothing of interest. I have been with the company nine years. Nine fucking years and now? Well, who knows?

I went to the HR department late last week to talk about what jobs are available. There are a couple of phone rep type jobs. One in the Shareholder Services dapt and the other in Marketing Support. Dealing with assholes on the phone all day doesn't fill me with optimism. I don't think I could do it and I know I don't want to do that. I know I shouldn't just take any old job just to stay there. I know that. It would be a mistake. I don't want another mistake. The clock is ticking though. I have a deadline on how much longer I can stay. The person in HR is going to find out the exact date. I was told three months on Dec 9th. So is that March 9th or the end of Feb? I'll find out more on Tuesday I am sure. There is another spot open in the Corporate Securities Operations Dept again am I interested enough to take this? Not to sure. I do plan on setting up an appointment to talk to the head of the Dept. At least here more about it before I dismiss it all together. The person in HR was cool, she is confident that they/we/I will find something for me at The Company. We shall see.

I have had many sleepless nights since this all started. I lie awake thinking what should I do? What can I do? What do I want to do? What is the best thing for me to do? All these questions swirling through me head at 3 or 4 in the morning. I have yet to come uo with answers. Or maybe I am just procrastinating. Putting off a decision I don't want to make. My mother said to me be proactive not reactive. Good advise, but it is hard for me. I was content with what I had and had no real ambition to move on. I was forced to make the move from the mailroom. Now my hand is being forced once again. I don't like it. It has me feeling helpless.

I think another problem is I am too easy going and laid back for my own good. I guess it goes back to me being a reactive person instead of a proactive one. This whole situation should have me livid. Pissed off at all involved. Fuck this guy, fuck my old boss, fuck my new boss who was my old boss from before!! FUCK THEM ALL SIDEWAYS! I do feel that way somewhat but I have a hard time with that. I don't get angry very often and I don't stay angry hardly at all. As far as character flaws I suppose there are worse ones but it still doesn't help my situation.

Like I said I have been feeling lost and out of sorts lately. People at work have noticed. A few of them have told me they feel that I got/am getting shafted. One guy told me" it wasn't right what happened. A lot of people think so. A lot." I have been told how well liked I am around the company. Things like that make me feel good. I appreciate people's concerns I really do. Unfortunately none of these people are higher ups. Pee-on's just like me. These are some of the reasons I want to stay. The people are for the most part good, nice people. The CEO/President of The Company knows my name (as well as many many of the others in the Company) how many CEO's even care about stuff like that? Not too many I would guess.

Really not sure what to do or what I want to do. Not sure which decision is the correct one. Lost and confused.

Enough pissing and moaning from me.

Peace out.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Oh the movies I've seen 

Here is a list of the movies I made it to in 2004.

I decided at the last minute to rate them on a five star rating system

* Sucked ass
** OK didn't hate it but could have been better.
*** Good worth seeing
**** Very Good
***** Excellent

Bad Santa **
House of Sand and Fog ***
The Last Samurai ****
Big Fish ***
Butterfly Effect **
Return of the King *****
Miracle ****
Passion of the Christ ***
Starsky and Hutch ***
Secret Window ***
Dawn of the Dead (2004)***
City of God ***
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind *****
Taking Lives **
Hellboy ***
Kill Bill vol 2 ****
The Punisher ***
Super Size Me ****
Troy **
The Day After Tomorrow ***
Shrek 2 ****
Godzilla (the original) ***
Dodgeball ***
Harry Potter &the Prisoner of Azkaban ***
Spiderman 2 ****
Fahrenheit 9/11 ****
The Bourne supremacy ***
Open Water ****
Collateral *
Riding Giants ***
Hero ****
Garden State ****
Shaun of the Dead ***
Friday Night Lights ***
Saw **
The Incredibles ****
Ramones: End of the Century ***
Oceans 12 ***

38 movies for the year, about average for me . More than last years low of 29 and less then 1999 high of 61 movies.

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